Frequently Asked Questions


The basics

How does AVP Stock work?
AVP Stock provides music, sound effects, videos and photos, ready for you to use in your projects. If you download a file on AVP Stock, you are actually buying a license that enables you to use the file in a variety of projects such as websites, blogs, presentations, advertising, video productions, prints, social media and much, much more! All files are royalty-free, which means you can use them in as many projects as you want for as long as you want, within the terms of the license. By purchasing extended licenses, you can use our products in even more ways. See our License Agreement and Pricing / Licenses page for a complete overview.
Searching for files

AVP Stock offers a variety of ways for finding the perfect content:

Search by keyword

The easiest way to search for products on AVP Stock is by typing keywords into the search bar located at the following pages:

  • Every product page

You can enter anything that comes to mind and begin browsing content that contain matching terms. Too many results? Try entering additional keywords to narrow down your search.

If your search ends up with 0 results, you're probably being a little too specific (or you're searching for something we do not offer yet).


Another great way of searching for products is by using the filter tools located at every shop page. Just click the “filter products” button next to the search bar, and an off canvas window shows up where you can use the following filter tools:

For Prints

  • Products for prints
  • Photo attributes for prints
  • Orientation
  • Angle
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Time of Day
  • Season
  • Colors / Black & White
  • Captured in - Country
  • Captured in - City
  • Category

For Music

  • Length
  • BPM
  • Time signature
  • Initial key
  • Energy
  • Vocals
  • Loopable
  • Categories
  • Moods
  • Instruments

For Sound Effects

  • Length
  • Intensity
  • Speed
  • Loopable
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Mono / Stereo
  • File type
  • Time of Day
  • Season
  • Categories
  • Recorded in - Country
  • Recorded in - City

For Videos

  • Length
  • Recorded in - Gamma
  • Recorded in - Gamut
  • Fps
  • Codec
  • Aspect ratio
  • Resolution
  • Orientation
  • Speed
  • Angle
  • Aerial
  • Time of Day
  • Season
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Categories
  • Recorded in - Country
  • Recorded in - City

For Photos

  • Width
  • Height
  • Orientation
  • Angle
  • Indoor / Outdoor
  • Time of Day
  • Season
  • Colors
  • Categories
  • Captured in - Country
  • Captured in - City


What does Royalty-Free (RF) mean?

Royalty-free content does sound great, it does contain the word ‘free’ after all and we humans like free stuff. But wait: you are here to buy awesome music tracks, sound effects, videos and/or photos right? Indeed, royalty-free doesn’t mean the content is actually free! Its not free of charge. Then what do we mean with royalty-free? Let’s answer some commonly asked questions about this topic.

What is a royalty

A royalty is the usage fee you pay when you use someone else’s artwork in your own work. You have to pay this fee every time the artwork is showed in your product. For example: if an artist shoots a beautiful video of a sunset and a company decides to use that video in a tv-commercial, the artist receives a royalty fee every time the commercial airs.

What does royalty-free mean?

Royalty-free content gives the purchaser the right to use the copyrighted material without the need to pay a royalty fee every time you use the purchased product. To prove you are working with royalty-free content, you need to buy a royalty-free (RF) license; with an RF license you can use a product multiple times without extra fees.

If I purchase music, sound effects, videos or photos from AVP Stock, I become owner of the product, right?

Not exactly. When you purchase a product from AVP Stock, you’re actually buying a license to use the music/sound effect/video/photo; a royalty-free license. This gives you the right to use the product multiple times without extra fees. However, the creator of the content still owns the product and can also offer licenses to multiple customers.

Why do I need a license?

Every music track, sound effect, video and photo is protected under copyright laws. Unauthorized use of content from AVP Stock is a violation of these copyright laws. With a royalty-free license you are authorized to use the purchased content legally and multiple times without additional fees.

In conclusion; what does royalty-free content mean?

Royalty-free content means paying for a license; the RF license gives you the right to use the purchased music/sound effect/video/photo for as long and often as you like, without paying extra fees. The creator of the content can offer licenses for the same content to multiple customers.

Personal license pricing

See our License Agreement and Pricing / Licenses page for a complete overview.


  • €5

Sound Effects

  • €1 We use a combined license (personal / Commercial) for sound effects, which let you use it in an unlimited number of end products. Personal or commercial.


  • €3 (SD)
  • €6 (HD)
  • €9 (4K)


  • €1 (Small)
  • €2 (Medium)
  • €3 (Large)
Commercial license pricing

See our License Agreement and Pricing / Licenses page for a complete overview.


  • €10

Sound Effects

  • €1 We use a combined license (personal / Commercial) for sound effects, which let you use it in an unlimited number of end products. Personal or commercial.


  • €9 (SD)
  • €18 (HD)
  • €27 (4K)


  • €3 (Small)
  • €6 (Medium)
  • €9 (Large)
Prohibited uses of content purchased from AVP Stock

No matter what license you buy, you can never use content from AVP Stock for the following uses:

  • Resell, sublicense, or share the Content in a way that allows third parties to download, use, or access it as standalone assets.
  • Modify or adapt the Content to create derivative works that can be resold as templates, stock products, or part of libraries.
  • Use the Content in illegal, defamatory, pornographic, or harmful ways, including hate speech or any morally questionable materials.
  • Claim ownership of the Content, even if modified. You may not register the Content or a derivative work incorporating it with any platform or rights organization.
  • Extract and use music, sound effects, or visuals as a primary element in standalone products, such as podcasts or albums, without proper licensing.
  • Use watermarked content in any final or publicly distributed projects.

For the complete list of prohibitions read the License Agreement.

How do I get proof that I licensed content from AVP Stock?

You can use the following as proof of license for content from AVP Stock:


Where can I find and download my purchased files?
  • When you have gone through the payment process, you will be redirected to our thank you page where you can download your recently purchased file(s).
  • You will also receive an order conformation email with the download link(s).
  • You can always download the files directly from the 'Downloads' tab in your account.
Where can I find my order history?
  • you can always view your order(s) in the 'Orders' tab in your account.
Where can I find my invoice?
  • you can always view your invoice(s) in the 'Orders' tab in your account.
How can I update my personal information?

To update your account details, sign in to your account and go to the 'Account details' tab. In here you'll be able to change your:

  • First name, Last name
  • Display name
  • Email address
  • password.

To update your billing address, sign in to your account and go to the 'Adresses' tab. In here you'll be able to change your:

  • First name, Last name
  • Company name (optional)
  • Display name
  • Street address
  • Postcode / ZIP
  • Town / City
  • Email address
How can I update my payment information?
  • To update your payment information, sign in to your account and go to the 'Payment methods' tab.
How do I change my password?
  • It is advisable to change your password regularly. To change your password, sign in to your account and go to the 'Account details' tab. In here you'll be able to change your password.
What happens when I forget my password?
  • Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. If you forgot your password you can click on the login button on top of the page. A popup window comes up where you can click on the 'forgot password' link above the 'sign in' button. Here you can enter your username or email address, and you will receive a link to create a new password via email. If you don't see the reset email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
How can I cancel or deactivate my account?
  • To cancel or deactivate your account, please contact us.

File formats


All music tracks on AVP Stock are available in 24 bit WAV files, with a sample rate of 48 kHz. With every music track you buy, there will be 2 file formats available for you to download:

High quality WAV

  • WAV - 24 bit / 48 kHz

MP3 version

  • MP3, 320 kbps / 48 kHz

If you have issues with the music tracks in your editing software, make sure that the audio settings in your project are set to match with the sample rate and bit depth of the file from AVP Stock. Alternatively, you can convert the file to match the settings in your project.

Difference between wav and mp3:


  • A Waveform Audio file format (WAV) is a lossless audio format in which the original analog audio recording is not compressed. All over the world, digital music companies use Waveform Audio file format. Because of high sample rates and bit depths, WAV files provide an audio file in which all perceptible frequencies are included. WAV files are encoded through ‘pulse code modulation’ (PCM), this technique samples analog sound waves at regular intervals. A PCM encoder converts audio data into digital data with different degrees of detail. A CD-quality file has a PCM 16 bits and 44.1kHz. Most audiophiles give preference to 24-bits and 48-kHz stereo samples, because these allow even more high and low frequencies into the mix. The rate of these stereo samples surpasses the audio quality of CDs.


  • An MP3 file is a very popular type of lossy audio. In contrast to WAV, the original analog audio in a MP3 file has been compressed to a manageable size for download, storage and streaming. As a result of this compression, the MP3 file loses quality compared to the original analog audio files. However, very few listeners are able to perceive this quality loss. Most smartphones and tablets play MP3 files, the most perceptible downside to MP3 versions of audio files is the weakened bass response. This is the most noticeable in MP3 files coded at very low bitrates, such as 128 kbps. It is possible to counterbalance this by seeking out MP3 files that are only lightly compressed, such as 256 or even 320 kbps. Another possibility is using your audio player’s equalizer to boost frequencies that may have been lost in the compression.
Sound Effects

Sound Effects on AVP Stock are available in 24 bit WAV files, with a sample rate of 48 kHz, 96 kHz or 192 kHz, depending on the sound effect. This way you can choose the option that best suits your project.With every sound effect you buy, there will be 2 file formats available for you to download:

High quality WAV

  • Wav - 24 bit / 48 kHz, 96 kHz or 192 kHz

MP3 Version

  • MP3, 320 kbps / 48 kHz

If you have issues with the sound effects in your editing software, make sure that the audio settings in your project are set to match with the sample rate and bit depth of the file from AVP Stock. Alternatively, you can convert the file to match the settings in your project.

Difference between wav and mp3


  • A Waveform Audio file format (WAV) is a lossless audio format in which the original analog audio recording is not compressed. All over the world, digital music companies use Waveform Audio file format. Because of high sample rates and bit depths, WAV files provide an audio file in which all perceptible frequencies are included. WAV files are encoded through ‘pulse code modulation’ (PCM), this technique samples analog sound waves at regular intervals. A PCM encoder converts audio data into digital data with different degrees of detail. A CD-quality file has a PCM 16 bits and 44.1kHz. Most audiophiles give preference to 24-bits and 48-kHz stereo samples, because these allow even more high and low frequencies into the mix. The rate of these stereo samples surpasses the audio quality of CDs.


  • An MP3 file is a very popular type of lossy audio. In contrast to WAV, the original analog audio in a MP3 file has been compressed to a manageable size for download, storage and streaming. As a result of this compression, the MP3 file loses quality compared to the original analog audio files. However, very few listeners are able to perceive this quality loss. Most smartphones and tablets play MP3 files, the most perceptible downside to MP3 versions of audio files is the weakened bass response. This is the most noticeable in MP3 files coded at very low bitrates, such as 128 kbps. It is possible to counterbalance this by seeking out MP3 files that are only lightly compressed, such as 256 or even 320 kbps. Another possibility is using your audio player’s equalizer to boost frequencies that may have been lost in the compression.

Videos on AVP Stock are available in multiple frame sizes, aspect ratio's, file formats, codecs and frame rates (depending on the video). This way you can choose the option that best suits your project.

File formats:


  • Frame size: 4096 x 2160
  • Aspect ratio: 17:9
  • Format: Quicktime MOV
  • Codec: Apple ProRes 422, 422 HQ
  • Frame rate: 23.98p, 24p, 25p, 29.97p, 50p, 59,94p or 60p


  • Frame size: 3840x2160
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: Quicktime MOV
  • Codec: Apple ProRes 422, 422 HQ
  • Frame rate: 23.98p, 24p, 25p, 29.97p, 50p, 59,94p or 60p

Full HD

  • Frame size: 1920x1080
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: MP4
  • Codec: H.264
  • Frame rate: 23.98p, 24p, 25p, 29.97p, 50p, 59,94p or 60p


  • Frame size: 852 x 480
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Format: MP4
  • Codec: H.264
  • Frame rate: 23.98p, 24p, 25p, 29.97p, 50p, 59,94p or 60p

Difference between mov and mp4:


  • A MOV file is a digital multimedia container format, created by Apple. This type of file is compatible with Windows and MAC. A MOV file can store movies, video files and data in a quick time file format. Although MOV files use lossy compression to reduce the original audio, video or data to a manageable size, the video quality loss is minimum after compression. MOV files also contain tracks responsible for storing data such as audio, video and text. These tracks maintains hierarchical structure. MOV independently combines multiple audio and video files. MOV files are the best choice for editing video clips and combining them with other components like text, music of graphics. This type of file can also be used as source file for other formats.


  • An MP4 file is also a digital multimedia container format, this format is often used to store video and audio. MP4 files are based on MOV files and also use lossy compression to minimize the size of the files. However, MP4 files are often more compressed and have a much smaller file size than other video file types. MP4 is also known as MPEG-4, this is the second version of MP4 file format. MPEG 4 files with audio only need to have a .m4a extension, while MP4 files with both video and audio need to have a .mp4 extension. MP4 files are the best choice for smaller multimedia projects that do not demand extensive modifications. This kind of file does not scale up well, make sure to get the right size file and formative for you project. 

Photos on AVP Stock are available in multiple sizes and formats, depending on the photo (you can find this on the product page of every photo). This way you can choose the option that best suits your project. All photos are available in three sizes: Small, Medium, and Large.

  • Small (S): 300 DPI, JPEG – Best for web use or small digital projects. Not recommended for print due to potential loss of clarity.
  • Medium (M): 300 DPI, JPEG – Suitable for web and small-scale prints, but may lose detail when printed in larger formats.
  • Large (L): 300 DPI, JPEG – This is the original, high-quality photograph and the best option for printing, ensuring maximum clarity and detail in your printed materials.

All AVP Stock photos come in 300 DPI (dots per inch). For print, 300 DPI is the standard, while 72 DPI is the standard for web use. If you're planning to print an image in high resolution, the Large size is recommended to ensure the best quality.

What is a JPEG?

A JPEG file (or Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a raster image file format. It uses compression to reduce the file size by removing data, and when reopened, the program reconstructs the missing data. However, every time the image is edited and saved, some quality is lost due to this compression process, especially in color details.


Does AVP Stock offer refunds?

AVP Stock does not offer refunds, the only exception is made when refund is required by law. A file return will only be considered when based on technical issues with the file at the sole discretion of AVP Stock.


Why can't I log in?

Ensure Cookies are Turned On

If you still can’t log in after entering your login credentials correctly, your internet browser may not be set to accept cookies. It is only possible to log in if your browser is set to accept cookies.

Click below for instructions on changing the cookie settings for some of the most used browsers:

To make sure you get the best browsing performance on AVP Stock, we recommend downloading the latest version of your favorite browser.

Clearing cache and cookies

If you're experiencing problems with AVP Stock, it might help to clear your browser cache and cookies. Each browser is a little different, so be sure to follow the instructions for the one you're using:

Getting a 404 error

If you get a 404 error, it means that we can't find the page you are looking for. This could happen for a number of reasons:

  • It could be that the page has been moved or renamed and we can't find the new location.
  • It might also be that the file you're looking for is no longer available on AVP Stock.

Did we miss anything?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime: